

あるお客様がBlanket Lビザの申請を拒否された際に、Blanket Lビザの再申請は認められない、と書かれた紙を受け取りました。

” You may not reapply for the same visa classfication using the same blanket petition,…”


9 FAM 402.12-8(G)  Procedure For Denying Blanket Petition-Based L Visa

a. If you determine that an alien has not established his or her eligibility for an L visa under a blanket petition, your decision will be final.  You must record the reason for the decision on all copies of Form I-129S by writing “NCA” or “not clearly approvable” in the “Denial Reasons” box (shown in blue in the image above). Scan one copy into NIV and shred it, give one copy to the alien for their records, and send one copy of Form I-129S to the USCIS Regional Service Center which approved the blanket petition.  Note that this is not a request to revoke a petition; it is merely notification of your final decision.

ただし必ずこの紙をもらうわけではありません。また紙には移民局でのペティション申請が必要なIndividual Lビザであれば再申請をしてもよいと書かれています。
